V0 Students

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Version 0, the final test run of SOTF before Version 1, saw sixty tenth grade students hailing from Aberthol High School and William G. Latham High School forced to compete in a prototype death game. The winner, Sydney Morvran, failed to kill anyone, and as such was thrown back into V1, where he perished. V0 was set on the same island as V1, and some evidence of the game remained for V1 students to encounter. Below is available information about the V0 students, arranged by number. Historically, V0 characters had their own pages, made by Megami with an eye towards detailing that version; as the project is long-abandoned, however, what remains has been consolidated here to reduce wiki bloat.

Megami wrote a write-up of the Events of V0 from 2010 to 2011, which had never been finished which was published on [[1]] which also had some details about the Trial Runs and some terrorists.

Male Students[edit | edit source]

B01: Nash, Harvey[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 01, Version 0: Harvey Nash

Name: Nash, Harvey
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Appearance: Tall and lanky, Harvey stands at 6'0" and weighs 130 pounds, leaving little meat on his bones. His hair is light brown in color and comes down past his chin, not quite to his shoulders. It is always groomed, but he never styles it. During physical activities, Harvey tends to pull it up in a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes. His eyes are dark green and unremarkable in appearance, and his eyebrows are thick and flat. His nose is on the large side, and his lips are thin and narrow. Harvey has worn braces since last year, and his formerly crooked teeth are now straight. In terms of attire, his wardrobe is kind of drab, and he's usually seen in various brands of jeans and plain shirts -- typically dark in color. On the day of the Aberthol abduction, Harvey was wearing a thin, long-sleeved black turtleneck, a pair of dark denim jeans, and a pair of non-namebrand black and white tennis shoes.
Designated Weapon: Sickle

  • Sydney Morvran was friends with Harvey since grade school. Harvey considered Sydney to be his best friend, and was rarely seen without him. The two boys became even closer friends when Harvey stepped in as a confidant to Syd after his older brother committed suicide.
  • Eugene Myles, Ralphie Riggs, and Jessica Bright were part of Harvey's clique.
  • Harvey was originally created by Kaishi, and was shown in Sydney's flashbacks during early parts of the Version 1 game. During the flashbacks, Harvey's last name is not revealed, and his appearance is not described.

B02: Rin, Gregory "Greg"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 02, Version 0: Gregory "Greg" Rin

Name: Rin, Gregory "Greg"
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Fork

B03: Riggs, Ralph "Ralphie"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 03, Version 0: Ralph "Ralphie" Riggs

Name: Riggs, Ralph "Ralphie"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Polish WIST-94

B04: Edwards, Brennan[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 04, Version 0: Brennan Edwards

Name: Edwards, Brennan
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Beretta Px4 Storm Pistol

  • Brennan had a twin brother named Kevin, his polar opposite in practically every way. Brennan used Kevin to keep himself "in" with the popular crowd at William G. Latham High School, despite not being well-liked by most of his classmates.
  • Brennan is the student killed in the video played during the V1 prologue.
  • Brennan had an abrasive personality, and it was not uncommon to hear he'd found his way into the principal's office or had gotten suspended again for spraying graffiti on the walls or smoking in the bathrooms.

B05: Knight, Alexander "Alex"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 05, Version 0: Alexander "Alex" Knight

Name: Knight, Alexander "Alex"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Switchblade

B06: Edwards, Kevin[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 06, Version 0: Kevin Edwards

Name: Edwards, Kevin
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Browning Hi-Power

  • Brennan Edwards was Kevin's twin brother. Brennan rode the coattails of Kevin's popularity for as long as anyone could remember. Kevin never seemed to notice this, however, and the two boys were close friends. Kevin was very protective of his brother.
  • Popular and athletic, Kevin was the object of unrequited affection for many of his female classmates. Several of them often referred to him as being the "total package." Well-liked by his classmates and easy to get along with, Kevin was the opposite of his twin brother, Brennan, in practically every way.

B07: Sevenstar, Colton "Colt"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 07, Version 0: Colton "Colt" Sevenstar

Name: Sevenstar, Colton "Colt"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Crowbar

B08: Newton, James "Jimmy"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 08, Version 0: James "Jimmy" Newton

Name: Newton, James "Jimmy"
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Splitting Maul

B09: Douglas, Martin[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 09, Version 0: Martin Douglas

Name: Douglas, Martin
Gender: Male
Age: Fourteen [14]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Size 15 Kleats

B10: Grey, Patrick[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 10, Version 0: Patrick Grey

Name: Grey, Patrick
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Cordless Drill

B11: Lee, Parker[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 11, Version 0: Parker Lee

Name: Lee, Parker
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Machete

B12: Manchester, William "Will"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 12, Version 0: William "Will" Manchester

Name: Manchester, William "Will"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Butcher Knife

B13: Sydney Morvran[edit | edit source]

For a full summary of Sydney's time in SOTF, see his V1 page.

B14: Lawrence, Ryan[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 14, Version 0: Ryan Lawrence

Name: Lawrence, Ryan
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Browning Auto-5

B15: Eastwood, Tyler[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 15, Version 0: Tyler Eastwood

Name: Eastwood, Tyler
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Crosscut Saw

B16: Grayson, Isaac "Ike"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 16, Version 0: Isaac "Ike" Grayson

Name: Grayson, Isaac "Ike"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Hedgeclippers

B17: Bradshaw, Micah[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 17, Version 0: Micah Bradshaw

Name: Bradshaw, Micah
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Caulk

B18: Stone, Zachary "Zach"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 18, Version 0: Zachary "Zach" Stone

Name: Stone, Zachary "Zach"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Browning 9mm

B19: McDaniel, Jonathan[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 19, Version 0: Jonathan McDaniel

Name: McDaniel, Jonathan
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Broad Axe

B20: Hawke, Nicholas "Nick"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 20, Version 0: Nicholas "Nick" Hawke

Name: Hawke, Nicholas "Nick"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Crossbow

B21: Elmore, Anthony[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 21, Version 0: Anthony Elmore

Name: Elmore, Anthony
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Chainsaw

B22: Jackson, Todd[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 22, Version 0: Todd Jackson

Name: Jackson, Todd
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Piano Wire

  • Todd was frequently bullied in school due to his rather obnoxious personality, and on the day of the William G. Latham High School abduction, was boasting a crooked nose and a black left eye.

B23: Staton, Christopher "Chris"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 23, Version 0: Christopher "Chris" Staton

Name: Staton, Christopher "Chris"
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: SPAS-12 Shotgun

B24: Steele, Andrew[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 24, Version 0: Andrew Steele

Name: Steele, Andrew
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Broadsword

B25: Andrews, Lukas "Luke"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 25, Version 0: Lukas "Luke" Andrews

Name: Andrews, Lukas "Luke"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Golf Club

B26: Salas, Lorenzo "Enzo"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 26, Version 0: Lorenzo Salas

Name: Salas, Lorenzo "Enzo"
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen [18]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Boxcutter

B27: Vaughan, Derek[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 27, Version 0: Derek Vaughan

Name: Vaughan, Derek
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Meat Hook

B28: Villegas, Jorge[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 28, Version 0: Jorge Villegas

Name: Villegas, Jorge
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Drum Sticks x2

B29: Myles, Eugene[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 29, Version 0: Eugene Myles

Name: Myles, Eugene
Gender: Male
Age: FIfteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: MAC-10

B30: Jennings, Dustin "D.J."[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 30, Version 0: Dustin "D.J." Jennings

Name: Jennings, Dustin "D.J."
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Cheese Grater

B31: Roberts, Ashley "Ash"[edit | edit source]

Male Student no. 31, Version 0: Ashley "Ash" Roberts

Name: Roberts, Ashley "Ash"
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Monk's Spade

Female Students[edit | edit source]

G01: Reed, Vanessa "Nessa"[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 01, Version 0: Vanessa "Nessa" Reed

Name: Reed, Vanessa "Nessa"
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Hammer

G02: Thomas, Kaylee[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 02, Version 0: Kaylee Thomas

Name: Thomas, Kaylee
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Wire Cutter

G03: Carter, Jamie[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 03, Version 0: Jamie Carter

Name: Carter, Jamie
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Meat Cleaver

G04: McGee, Aaliyah[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 04, Version 0: Aaliyah McGee

Name: McGee, Aaliyah
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Meteor Hammer

G05: Lewis, Amber[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 05, Version 0: Amber Lewis

Name: Lewis, Amber
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Playing Cards

G06: Bodine, Sheryl[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 06, Version 0: Sheryl Bodine

Name: Bodine, Sheryl
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Handcuffs

G07: Summers, Natalie[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 07, Version 0: Natalie Summers

Name: Summers, Natalie
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Beretta Xtrema2

G08: Hawthorne, Christie[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 08, Version 0: Christie Hawthorne

Name: Hawthorne, Christie
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Quarterstaff

G09: Bright, Jessica "Jess"[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 09, Version 0: Jessica "Jess" Bright

Name: Bright, Jessica "Jess"
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Hunting Knife

G10: Grayson, Chloe[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 10, Version 0: Chloe Grayson

Name: Grayson, Chloe
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Wooden Baseball Bat

G11: Treadway, Ashley[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 11, Version 0: Ashley Treadway

Name: Treadway, Ashley
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Skillet

G12: Brewer, Emily[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 12, Version 0: Emily Brewer

Name: Brewer, Emily
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Extra-Large First Aid Kit

G13: Ryans, Cybil[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 13, Version 0: Cybil Ryans

Name: Ryans, Cybil
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Blowgun + Darts x12

G14: Gage, Meggan[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 14, Version 0: Meggan Gage

Name: Gage, Meggan
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Taser

  • Sheryl Bodine was Meggan's best friend.

G15: Lockhart, Hannah[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 15, Version 0: Hannah Lockhart

Name: Lockhart, Hannah
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: S&W Double-Action .45 ACP

G16: Sterling, Lilly[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 16, Version 0: Lilly Sterling

Name: Sterling, Lilly
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Smoke Grenades x8

G17: Alexander, Paige[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 17, Version 0: Paige Alexander

Name: Alexander, Paige
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
Extra Curricular Activity: Cheerleading
School: Aberthol High School

Appearance: The object of affection for many, Paige stands at approximately 5'6" and weighs in around 120 pounds. Her hair is long and honey blonde in color and reaches down to nearly the small of her back. During cheer practice or at games, it is usually pulled up in a ponytail and accentuated with maroon and white ribbons, but during regular school hours and outside of school, she tends to leave her hair down. Her eyes are a transfixing blue in color and her brows are thin and arched, accentuating the contours of her face nicely. Her nose is small and buttonlike and her lips are full, wide, and always done in a light pink hue. Her face is thin and her cheekbones are high, giving her what would be a much more mature appearance if not for her large, wide eyes that seem to convey some sort of childlike innocence behind them. In terms of body structure, Paige could be described as having "padding in all the right places". She's got the type of figure that every girl desires and every guy wants -- she's relatively large (for her size) chested with a small waist and wide hips, not to mention legs for days. Overall, Paige is the type of girl everyone wants to be, but she herself seems blind to her own beauty.

Biography: Paige is the only child of Tyler and Jessica Alexander and a native of Clifton Park, New York. Even as a small child, Paige had what could best be described as a "fairytale life". The husband, the wife, the bouncing baby girl, the cute little dog in the two story house with the white picket fence. That was the life that Paige Alexander lived. Her parents, while not obscenely rich, definitely fell into the upper-middle class category, and so Paige never went without. In fact, the only notable thing that happened during Paige's childhood occurred when she was ten and Dyne, the golden retriever that she had grown up with, was hit by a car. Paige spent the next two weeks straight in her room crying.

Paige has always been an emotional, compassionate person by nature. While she may not be empathetic to the problems of others, she's the type of girl who cries during sad scenes in movies (she bawled hysterically the day she watched Titanic). Of course, this particular personality trait, while harmless on its own, also means that Paige has a tendency to be a bit of a drama queen. For example, earlier during the year, when she found out one of her fellow cheerleaders had been talking about her behind her back, she blew things out of proportion and confronted the other girl before bawling hysterically in the locker room for hours on end.

Paige's best friend is fellow cheerleader Kirsten Rhodes. They've known one another since third grade and have always been very close. It can't exactly be said that Paige confides in Kirsten (it's usually the other way around), mostly because Paige is the type of person who tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. She's a very bubbly person by nature, but she seems to show the entire world whether she's happy or sad, angry or upset. All in all, she's never been a very subtle person. She's a sweet girl by nature, even if some of her friends would describe her as being a bit clueless. It's not that she's stupid, per se, she makes fairly good grades in school. Moreso, it's the fact that Paige doesn't see outside of her own world.

When people dislike her -- a notable example of this would be fellow classmate Cybil Ryans -- Paige never quite understands why. In fact, she tends to respond with something like, "Well, I never did anything to her!" In addition, she has trouble feeling sorry for other people, even if she can see where they're coming from. The way that Paige thinks, the problems and situations she sometimes finds herself in are completely different from anyone else's, and hers are far more important. She tends to see things in black and white. Everything has a simple solution, and things are either right or wrong. It's a quality that's solved many problems as well as caused them.

Overall, Paige is just a normal teenage girl. She's a bit shallow and more than a little ditzy, but she's very well-liked in school and gets along quite well with the majority of her classmates. Naturally, there are people who don't like her because she's a cheerleader, or because they think she's "mean" to them, but in reality, Paige is so consumed with her own life and the going-ons that occur in her immediate cliqué that she simply can't see past that and notice what's going on in other people's lives. She seems to love relationship drama, though she herself rarely has any. Throughout high school, she's dated a number of her classmates (mostly jocks), such as Parker Lee, Derek Vaughan, and even Jonathan McDaniel and Chris Staton briefly, but since nearly the beginning of sophomore year she's been with Colt Sevenstar.
Designated Weapon: Tire Iron

  • Paige's athleticism has the potential to aide her in the game, but her ditziness and overall cluelessness is probably going to hinder her greatly throughout the game. There are many people who don't like her for a plethora of reasons, and although she'd probably call you a liar if you told her this, she probably has just as many enemies as she does friends.
  • Colt Sevenstar was A long-time friend of Paige's and her boyfriend throughout their sophomore year. Their relationship seemed "picture-perfect", but was it really?
  • Kirsten Rhodes was Paige's best friend since third grade. Kirsten continually confided in Paige, but rarely chose to heed her friend's somewhat misguided advice.
  • Jonathan McDaniel was a long-time friend and fellow "cliqué" member. Paige and Jonathan dated as freshmen, though this relationship was very shortlived.
  • Chris Staton was a long-time friend and fellow "cliqué" member. Paige and Chris also dated toward the latter part of freshmen year, but their relationship was even shorter than the one between herself and Jonathan. Nevertheless, they all remained good friends.
  • Paige dated Parker Lee during the summer before their sophomore year, although it could be considered more of a fling than actually dating.
  • Derek Vaughan was Paige's boyfriend back in eighth grade, if you could even call it that. Their friendship ended soon after. They just stopped talking sometime around freshman year.
  • For some reason or another that Paige never quite understood, Cybil Ryans seemed to hate her guts. Paige simply blew it off, commenting that, "That freak thinks anybody who doesn't run to her side when she's rambling on about slitting her wrists is mean."
  • After Dyne (her golden retriever) got run over when she was ten, Paige's father brought home another retriever puppy, who Paige affectionately named Sunshine.

G18: Harris, Kera[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 18, Version 0: Kera Harris

Name: Harris, Kera Beth
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Katana

  • Kayla Harris was Kera's little sister, and the object of much of her manipulation. Kayla served as a pawn for Kera, listening to her older sister without ever questioning what she was told to do. What Kera did, Kayla did, and this included everything from extracurriculars to picking on the school's "geeks" and less-fortunate classmates.
  • Kaylee Thomas, Aaliyah McGee, and Jaclyn Frost were part of Kera's clique. Her relationship with Kaylee was odd, considering the two girls had very little in common. However, they had been friends since they were kids.

G19: King, Michaela "Micha"[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 19, Version 0: Michaela King

Name: King, Michaela "Micha"
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Trident

G20: Harris, Kayla[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 20, Version 0: Kayla Harris

Name: Harris, Kayla
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Butterfly Knife

G21: Palafox, Tonya[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 21, Version 0: Tonya Palafox

Name: Palafox, Tonya
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Fragmentation Grenades x8

G22: Williams, Rachael[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 22, Version 0: Rachael Williams

Name: Williams, Rachael
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Mauser C96

G23: Rhodes, Kirsten[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 23, Version 0: Kirsten Rhodes

Name: Rhodes, Kirsten
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Global Positioning System (GPS)

G24: Preston, Rita[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 24, Version 0: Rita Preston

Name: Preston, Rita
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Dagger

G25: Evans, Regina "Gina"[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 25, Version 0: Regina "Gina" Evans

Name: Evans, Regina "Gina"
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen [18]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Pickaxe

G26: Frost, Jaclyn[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 26, Version 0: Jaclyn Frost

Name: Frost, Jaclyn
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: S&W Sigma 9

G27: Wakefield, Drucilla "Dru"[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 27, Version 0: Drucilla "Dru" Wakefield

Name: Wakefield, Drucilla "Dru" Tristene
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Hatchet

  • Nessa Reed was one of the first friends Dru made after enrolling in Aberthol, and the two girls were very close.
  • Dru moved to Clifton Park from New York City at the beginning of the school year.

G28: Quincy, Elizabeth[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 28, Version 0: Elizabeth Quincy

Name: Quincy, Elizabeth
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen [15]
School: William G. Latham High School
Designated Weapon: Steak Knife

G29: Richards, Coryn[edit | edit source]

Female Student no. 29, Version 0: Coryn Richards

Name: Richards, Coryn
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
School: Aberthol High School
Designated Weapon: Sjambok

Partial Death Order[edit | edit source]

This is the unfinished Death Order of SOTF V0. The V0 Death Order is at this time largely unknown, though some pieces have been gleaned from Sydney's story in V1 and Megami's incomplete write-up. These details are presented below, with unknown death placements omitted:

59th - Natalie Summers throat cut open with a chainsaw by Anthony Elmore
58th - Kaylee Thomas stabbed with a katana by Kera Harris
57th - Elizabeth Quincy pickaxed by Gina Evans
???th - Christie Hawthorne
???th - Brennan Edwards shot by Greg Rin
5th - Eugene Myles shot by Ralphie Riggs
4th - Ralphie Riggs throat opened up by Harvey Nash
3rd - Harvey Nash shot by Jess Bright?
RUNNER UP - Jess Bright shot by Eugene Myles/Harvey Nash?
WINNER - Sydney Morvran