1 The River

The first version of Discord Of The Fittest, known now as V0.
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SOTF: Discord
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1 The River


Post by SOTF: Discord »

A river flowing from the mountains to the city, cutting almost the entire island in half. Several bridges have been constructed to avoid long detours, although some are in much better conditions than others.
The danger-level of the river differs a lot depending on the place. Taking a swim is survivable, but ill-advised.
SOTF: Discord
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Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] What She Had To Do
Whitney Ava wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/23/2021 3:28 PM
Name: What She Had To Do
Time: Day One
Status: Oneshot
Whitney Avery Tyler wrote:we should hug! | Whitney, Ava — 09/23/2021 3:29 PM
She was girl number one, apparently. Whitney didn't know what that meant. What numbers had to do with a game like this. And she didn't care, either.

She really only cared about not being like that guy she saw get shot. Because she didn't want to die, after all.

She'd found him so quick. It should have been harder to find him. They were friends, after all. Why put such close friends so close together?

Maybe they knew it would happen. Maybe they knew she didn't want to die. That she was always the faster of the two of them. Stronger. More athletic.

It didn't matter. None of it mattered.

She did what she had to do.

She did what she had to do.

SOTF: Discord
Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 am


Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] The River to Nowhere
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 09/29/2021 9:35 AM
Name: The River to Nowhere
Time: Day One
Status: Closed
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 09/29/2021 9:35 AM
Claude stared at the river that flowed by. He watched as it cascaded down its path, stern eyes picking up waves as it went along. Ripples plopped in the water occasionally: him being the culprit. He picked up dirt and rocks and had been flinging at it. While his right hand was busy with that, his left held what they had given him.

A damn joke. Rust filled hell that he would have left in his bag if it weren't for, well, everything. There was talk of going home at the end of this; there just had to be the one left.

It was like dangling a carrot in front of a bunch of boxed-up rabbits, and then you taped AK's to those rabbits and left them at it. He had a reputation back home- a well-earned one at that, he'd admit- he had no intention of letting some shithead get the jump on him.

Claude had found some gloves inside a kit in the bag and put them on. No reason to risk infection out here while he was at it. He'd leave that to his classmates.

Or whatever poor shmuck who'd try their luck on him.
Grayson Emile wrote:kotorikun — 09/29/2021 6:24 PM
((Grayson thought the distant sky looked pretty.))

Unfortunately, Claude soured the view for his squinting, glasses-missing eyes. Not like he recognized who it was but the blob started to look more human the more Grayson casually approached him from behind.

The crinkle sound of his beige raincoat might give him away, but with his trusty new sparkly tablespoon in his left hand, what's the worst that could happen? He had cursed at it enough, now he was going the friendly route with it.

The sound of the river grew louder. He stopped.

"Hm. Wanna jump in?"
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 09/30/2021 2:03 AM
Despite all of the circumstances, Claude could appreciate the river. It was a calming sight to the eyes, and he could just watch the perpetual motion machine go.

Everything else is damned as far as he was concerned.

Except he didn't have the time. Someone was already here. Crinkling of something behind him, cloth perhaps, had given them away. He turned to look, and his grimace that had been there from the start slowly gave away.

A beige coat-wearing boy stared at him, a shiny something in his hand. He could see the squint in his eyes and challenged it with his own. Perfected with years of looking his classmates in the eyes and watching Clint Eastwood films.

"Not unless I get to dunk ya in." A grin exhibited past as he stared at the new arrival. Fingers on his left hand tapping away at the rust-covered menace that occupied it.

"Whaddya say, Grayson?"
Grayson Emile wrote:kotorikun — 09/30/2021 9:08 AM
"I say..... That's bad news for you."

A wobbly smirk appeared on Grayson's face, less confident than he'd like it to be. Bullshitting his way through things was the usual way to go for him.

"I'll have you know that; okay, important fact; that, I was top of the class when I got my swimming certificate in elementary school. Remember that." Liiiiiies. Grayson waved his spoon for emphasis. He couldn't tell how deep the water was just from looking at it from this angle and somehow he was already mentally preparing himself to go in.

"So it's your ass that's getting dunked on.... in.... whatever the saying is. Bet???"
Yalli Tass wrote:Regdab — 09/30/2021 12:20 PM
Alright, check this shit, bring it up to eleven,
Back on your bullshit, show the stairway to heaven,
Creepin' round these bends with a 500 Smith & Wesson,
Got a beat to walk to, shit to talk to, teach some fuckin' lessons,

You know, I'm a lioness, a fucking jungle queen,
The hunter of the pride, a head full of steam,
See two mooks sittin', chattin', kickin' back in the rivers,
But I'm here to bang my head and give the viewers all shivers,

Grayson and Claude, these cats ain't nothin' but meat,
And Yalli over here's never been discreet,
A pause in their convo, the audible river's gurglin' slick,
Maybe one of 'em heard, from the bushes, a revolver hammer go click.
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 10/01/2021 5:32 AM
He kept his black-tooth grin as Grayson continued, a wobbly mirror of his own. He was rambling, stuff from almost a decade ago apparently relevant to him.

"Get that from swimming in a river?" A lazy answer to some pull-away bullshit, what it all boiled down to. The dude could keep going, but Claude was not going to keep himself responsible if he bit off more than he could chew.

"I bet," Claude started as he reached down with his right hand and got up on his feet, his leather jacket squeaking under pressure and turned slightly sideways as he pointed with his bar at Grayson.

"that I can club you upside the head with this and throw you out there faster than you can reach with that silver there."

And yet, through the noise they were making. The movements they were doing and the crinkles their clothing was making. River flowing by to its new home. Wind pushing vegetation around. There was a distinct sound in the air. Faint, but noticeable, if only because it was something neither of them could make.

"...Y'hear that?"
Grayson Emile wrote:kotorikun — 10/01/2021 2:53 PM
Grayson shrieked. Not a full-on shriek shriek though, it was more located in the back of his throat when he pulled a face at Claude getting too close to his liking with that ugly bar in his hand. Why the gloves though? Was he that dedicated to getting his hands dirty?

"I'm not falling for that, dude." He genuinely hadn't heard anything. "You're just fucking with me and you better stop!"

He swung the spoon again and aimed to slap Claude's cheek with the back of it.
Yalli Tass wrote:Regdab — 10/01/2021 8:53 PM
Watchin' from the bush, Yalli didn't got shit to say,
Just watchin' a play fight in the harsh of day,
They looked bout to throw shitty hands with a spoon and a bar,
But unless they was the flash then they weren't bout to go far,

Here's a lesson bout the Wesson & Smith,
From a short range out, it'd be damn hard to miss,
But in a wet forest with water rushin' and flow,
It'd be a miracle if Yalli got this bullet to go,

Six shots in the chamber, six chances at bat,
So Yalli stood to her full height, and the .500 went BLAT
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 10/03/2021 6:56 AM
The idiot didn't care, never mind Claude's threat in the matter. Grayson started his assault with cutlery, hitting Claude on the cheek. He sneered as he realized what Grayson had just done. He reared his left-back as his right hand slapped Grayson's hand away before taking a fierce hold on the coat lapel, ready to smash when a nearby bush exploded, and a bullet soared across and skinned his knee.

Claude wobbled, the sudden sensation across his knee making him take a step back. He held his fierce grip on Grayson, though, and when he fell backward, he took him down with him.

"Fuckin'... is this your play?! You piece of shit!" He yelled as he tried to shove the boy off him and get back to his feet. He needed to get out of there.
Akiko Sasaki wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 10/04/2021 7:29 PM

Akiko was shuffling about a distance away from the situation and her head had snapped up when she heard the gunshot going off and she was taking a few crunchy greenish-brown leave out of her hair.

She glanced at the knife that was resting in the grass beside her and she was mostly hidden by a bunch of bushes that weren't a completely bad cover. She didn't dare more from where she was currently chilling and she squinted to see what was happening.

Was this really happening?

She called from behind the bushes, "Hey! You two should move and hide behind anything before they shoot at you again!" She picked up the knife for safe keeping and she crawled over to another bush to keep on moving without the shooter knowing where she was.

Thank god for my shortness for once!
Grayson Emile wrote:kotorikun — 10/05/2021 3:20 PM
Grayson didn't make a peep this time. Once the bullet echoed out, he froze and his throat felt tight. He had been ready to throw hands with Claude just 'cause he was the first person he saw and the urge to punch someone was strong, but the fierce grip of Claude on his coat was a reminder to think more before acting.

He huffed out of reflex when they hit the ground. The cushion aka Claude could be softer but Grayson didn't plan to remain on top of him.

"B.... Bitch, stop!" he sputtered and struggled to move for a moment when he looked down. "H--Hold on, stop bleeding on me!"

Thankfully, it was "just" his knee. Grayson wasn't ready to have someone die in, or under, his arms just yet. He couldn't see far. He didn't know where the shot had come from but it seemed like it had already gotten the attention of others beside them when a voice called out to them.

He rolled off of Claude and then, "Hey, gun person-!" he shouted while scurrying to the nearest tree. "-hey, do it again, I dare you!"
Yalli Tass wrote:Regdab — 10/11/2021 10:39 AM
So Grayson acted tough, and Grayson stood tall,
Yalli had to nod at those gigantic fuckin' balls,
But Yalli knew quick that Grayson was all talk,
And he'd likely grabbed cover, so she started to stalk.

She was 'cross the river, and gave a thought to fjord it,
But there wasn't cover around it, yeah, she prolly couldn't afford it,
So she cocked back the hammer on her 500 chrome,
and began to stalk down the river, looking for where the bullet'd land home

She walked a few feet deeper when Grayson's voice found her,
And she fondled the trigger with a finger, levelled arms and didn't flounder,
Two shots this time, one to the right of the voice that sounded,
And one slamming into the tree, the cover that Grayson founded.
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 10/15/2021 1:09 PM
A girl's voice called out to them. 'Get out of dodge." essentially. It was easier said than done when someone laid on top of him with a damn spoon. Now, Claude would be happy to if the moron could get off him quick; but Grayson was a slow, dumb bastard. He was calling out to the shooter and complaining about his bleeding.

The fuck did he think was gonna happen during their fight? Bleeding was a part of it all. When this was done, and if they both walk out of here alive, Claude was gonna make sure this kid bleeds.

He could hear splashes of water that sounded out across the area; their shooter seemingly started to make their way across the river. More bullets flew by, hitting greenery and trees around.

It did not matter to Claude, though. The instant Grayson was finally off him, he forced himself onto his feet, and despite the stinging pain across his knee, almost galloped headfirst into some bushes.

His gloved hand still clinging to his rusty friend as he crawled on the ground. His right hand hovered over his knee, unsure of what to do.
Akiko Sasaki wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 10/15/2021 2:22 PM
Akiko felt her breathe caught itself in her throat as a bullet pierced into the ground a few inches in front of her. Mud and grass bits flying near her. That had been too close for her liking.

She heard rustling behind her in the bushes, not realizing that it was Claude and she thought it was the shooter. This made her bolt up to her feet and she sprinted right for where she could see Grayson.

She did the the first thing that came to her mind. Her survival instinct was kicking in and she needed to use it as quick as she possibly could.

She grabbed onto Grayson's arm and she was half-running and half-pulling him to come with her.

Okay. Not what I really had in mind. But it was better than letting him die in front of me!

"RUN!!" She shrieked, hoping and praying that a stray bullet wouldn't get lucky enough to hit him or her.

((Akiko Sasaki continued elsewhere))
Grayson Emile wrote:kotorikun — 10/17/2021 7:31 AM

Grayson held onto Akiko's hand tight.

He had flinched hard and didn't dare to move again when the bullet hit the tree he was cowering behind, until he was forced to. He liked his spoon. He was grateful for it, really. But it was a bit unfair, no? Unless it was made out of a special material that could bounce anything back that came his way. Nevermind that he had asked for it.

His eyes searched for Claude until they were too far away.

They kept running.

((Grayson Émile continued elsewhere))
Yalli Tass wrote:Regdab — 10/19/2021 11:41 AM
They fucked right off and she's a champ,
Stepping from cover, marking her win with a stamp,
Fired the rest of her clip, a real boss gunner,
She's running the game, yeah, number one stunner,

Maybe they left her loot up in the mess,
So she waded through the River, a need to address,
She needed food and supplies to prolong her fate,
She didn't see Claude until it was just too late.
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 10/19/2021 4:10 PM
Claude kneeled still in his cover of foliage, listening in as footsteps sounded off in different directions. Obviously, the shooter was walkin' 'round like they owned the place, water splashin' around with each step they took, and the rest sounded like they had the sense to run.

On a level, Claude did want to run. Leave this shmuck to someone else. But... they'd shot him, and Grayson wasn't here anymore to get his. He'd save his revenge on Grayson to later.

First, he had to deal with this wannabe killer. The sound was getting closer, and he had to be ready.

His left hand's fingers tensed around the bar; his other an open palm, both were rested against the ground. His breathing was slow and careful. His feet planted against the ground on his toes.

When the sound of water was replaced with the sound of rock and gravel crunching under feet. Claude launched out of his cover and sprinted towards the killer. He aimed his rebar at them, trying to hit them sharply on the head.

It was only then, during that short burst, that he could see that it was Yalli, and she was far taller than him.

Instead, Claude changed plans mid-sprint. With his current speed, he crashed into her, sending them both tumbling close to the river. The idea was to get her down and then focus the rebar on her head; the problem was his rebar went flying out of his hand and into the rocks. Claude quickly got up on his feet and noticed his weapon was gone. During that instant, he could have sworn he'd seen something fly out of her hands, but in his panic, he didn't give it thought. She probably still had her gun and was trying to get up, so he ran towards Yalli, fingers gripping her sweater collar, and pulled her towards the water before straddling her and holding her head beneath the stream.
Yalli Tass wrote:Regdab — 10/19/2021 8:30 PM
a rebuttal
Claude Sanders wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 10/22/2021 2:39 AM
Claude could hear the gurgling; feel the struggle as she tried to free herself from the sudden waterboarding she was being subjected to. Her limbs tried to flail free from his legs placed on them. Her head tried to escape Claude's left hand digging into her scalp, his other holding her face across the eyes.

He did not want to look at them staring at him from the water. Silently begging.

Claude gritted his teeth, and his breathing turned haggard as the sound eventually quieted down, as her limbs slowed their struggle. The bubbles would soon stop; the same went for her thrashing.

The river continued undisturbed past him and her. He sat there for a bit, hands holding still on her head. Afraid to let go for even a moment.

Carefully, he let go and stood up. His eyes scanned across Yalli's body from top to toe to see if there was any life left.


Claude had killed her, and he didn't need a gun or anything like that to do it.

What he did note, however, was the lack of a handgun; her hands were empty.

He stepped back across the rocks and picked up his rebar that went into his bag. Along the way, he found the missing piece; a good ole' Smith and Wesson. He kept it in his right hand while pocketing whatever ammunition he could find in Yalli's bag. When Claude was done, he dumped it right next to her body; after dragging it out of the water.

He still couldn't look her in the eyes, but at least he didn't leave it in the water. She'd have to take the small blessings he'd give at this point.

"Sorry, Yalli, but that's what happens when you play with fire."

((When it was all said and done, Claude left the river behind. All these people that were here had made what was once calming into a disturbance.))
Note from Staff: Yalli's real death post consists of a 41-seconds long audio file that has Yalli drop some bars against Claude before being interrupted by water-y noises. Presumably the rap was recorded by Yalli's handler, NAFT.
Since we are not sure if NAFT would agree to have their voice doxxed for all the internet to hear, the rap is only available on the original Discord-server until further notice.
SOTF: Discord
Posts: 120
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Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] Rode a Stranger One Fine Day
Ottla Arizona wrote:LS | Arizona Walker'Texas'Ranger — 10/26/2021 3:54 PM
Name: Rode a Stranger One Fine Day
Time: Night One
Status: Oneshot
Ottla Redding wrote:LS | Arizona Walker'Texas'Ranger — 10/26/2021 4:27 PM
((Arizona, Ottla START))

Things were bad, really bad. She knew it was a bad habit to dwell on it, but she couldn't help herself from overanalyzing and extrapolating the situation to it's worst outcome.

Waking up on the island, kidnapped and forced into a cruel and twisted game was bad enough. That some of their fellow captives took place in the killing was worse. That there was likely no rescue coming was the worst.

Ottla was not normally a pessimistic girl, but when things went bad she couldn't help from having her mood and thinking follow the same direction as the events and circumstances around her.

"Arizona, I know you said we'd be fine but, I'm starting to think we're gonna die out here. This doesn't look good. What do we do? There's no way out of this, I can't see a way forward."
Arizona Ranger, Ottla Redding wrote:LS | Arizona Walker'Texas'Ranger — 10/26/2021 4:41 PM
The girl chuckled, staring up into the night sky with her companion standing behind her.

"Are you losing faith, dear Texas? Have you forgotten with whom you're traveling with?"

She twirled around with a dramatic flair, her right hand coming up to cover her eye patch on her left eye, her left hand outstretched and her fingers bent like claws.

"This great power within me is enough to protect us both. The dark ether and it's pitch flames, the heritage of the Grim Dragon fills my veins. It's vile power shall burn away all unrighteous and purify the world! Have no fear, Texas, your defender is great and powerful! We shall escape this evil place and return once more unto our home and safe haven. On this I swear, Semper Draco Aeternus! Vanish, the World Unto Dragon's Eternity!"

She shot her left arm up into the air, bringing her head down and bending her knees for extra cool position.

She was sure that would cheer Texas right up.

She sputtered out a laugh. Everyone else thought Arizona's weeb shit was super cringe, but Ottla always got a kick out of it. It was one of the things she loved most about her.

"Verily," she began, bowing at the waist before the Inheritor "I had almost forgotten the great power of the Grim Dragon's Inheritor. I shall not fear, for the Dark Ether will protect me. O Great Dragon, bring peace unto the world!"

She stepped up to Arizona, straightened her pose to standing upright, and took hold of her arm.

"That said, Grim Dragon, let's get out of the cold shall we? It would suck to freeze to death before your great plan came to fruition." We can talk more about what to do when we find shelter, okay?"
Ottla Redding wrote:LS | Arizona Walker'Texas'Ranger — 10/26/2021 4:54 PM
"O-of course. Into the forest, dear Texas, we shall find shelter there." Her face reddened and burned. She still wasn't used to Ottla's touch now. She never used to care about it, but ever since they made their mutual feelings known she couldn't help being keenly aware of every touch and look.

Ottla smiled at her, that devilish smile that meant she enjoyed the effect she was having. Arizona burned even redder and meekly brought her raised arm down and began walking with Ottla toward the forest.

Ottla whispered in her ear that she looked so cool in the dim light.

Arizona burned even redder and Ottla laughed.

She had the best girlfriend in the world. What could be more cool than that?

((Arizona, Ottla continued elsewhere))
SOTF: Discord
Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 am


Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] Starting point for girl 19
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/26/2021 11:17 PM
Name: Starting point for girl #19
Time: Night One
Status: Closed
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/26/2021 11:31 PM
The night was still save for the sounds of the flowing river, the bugs that called somewhat relentlessly, and the sharp sound of wood smacking on wood.

And again.

Harriet whirled the nunchaku before throwing it against the tree for a third go, this time the other handle barely missing her face instead of punching her right in the cheek. She had to get this right. She already almost died and she'd be damned if she was gonna eat it before that little bitch Brody did.

Whatever was the deal with the kid in the black hoodie this morning didn't matter anymore. Like, she was still mad... Actually, she was still really pissed to be honest. But her stuff was stolen and them's the breaks. At least he didn't grab everything, and even better she was still breathing unlike the other people she kinda scooted away from by the river.

She still really needed to figure out a plan of some sort. But for now, the minimum was figuring our how the hell Michelangelo handled these things without whacking himself in the head. She'd stay up all night if she had to.
Seth Kent wrote:DerArknight — 10/28/2021 3:14 PM
((Seth Kent continued from Searching))

Leaving the factory had been a mistake.

After some time investigating the old bulding, all he had found were papers in a language he couldn't read. And since no one else arrived, Seth had eventually decided to take a hike.

A hike that ended in him unable to find the way back to the factory before it got dark.

Then came the announcement, reading off a list of people that had apparently killed and died before telling everyone to stay away from the mountains. Seth had no idea where the mountains even were. He could have used the flashlight to look at the map, but he didn't want to use the batteries unless necessary. Thankfully, the night was clear and the stars gave enough light for him to not run against anything.

Eventually he had found a river. After some debate with himself, he decided to follow it. Following the river would be better than running through the forest and risking to go in circles.


The sound came from a bit downstream. It wasn't a sound you would expect to hear in the wildness.

Seth perked up, happy to finally have found someone else. Maybe it was Eduardo who had calmed down. Or it was someone who had a clue about the collars.

He started to sprint.

"Hey there!" Seth screamed before turning around the final view-blocking tree.
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 10/29/2021 6:52 AM
The nunchaku fumbled from Harriet's hands and fell onto the dirt with an unceremonious thud. Her eyes darted back to the source of the intruder, but she didn't get a good look before scrambling for her weapon and death gripped the handles together in one hand much like a baton.

Now properly prepared, she looked back and saw it was just that little Seth kid. The grip on the nunchaku loosened somewhat.

"Hi." Her voice was as monotone as it was curt.

She pushed her glasses back onto her face and extended the nunchaku out, whirling it and striking the tree once more.
Seth Kent wrote:DerArknight — 10/30/2021 11:00 AM

Seth instantly recognised Harriet. He had seen her band play and he knew she was in the Anime Club. While the two didn't interact much at school thanks to being in different social circles, Seth always had seen her as a fellow person who keeps fumbling with their glasses.

Now she was busy hitting a tree with that weird weapon of hers. Maybe she was practicing to destroy collars with one swift motion, too fast for them to explode? He had to say, that was a bolt strategy, but better than the nothing he had come up with so far.

He took a look at their surroundings. They were at one of the places were the river had a lot of speed. Taking a swim would probably result in getting caught in the current. However, Seth could see a bridge with a street maybe two hundred meters further down the stream.

Meanwhile, Harriet had continued her training.

"So... have you met anyone else?" He decided to ask. After all, if they were going to do Harriet's plan, they needed to talk with each other.
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 11/05/2021 8:36 AM
A bead of sweat rolled down her face and onto her chin. She struck the tree a few more times before responding.

"...No," she lied. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and started beating the tree again.

The nunchaku slipped through her sweaty fingers as a loud boom came from somewhere too close by.
Seth Kent wrote:DerArknight — 11/05/2021 2:12 PM

The sudden explosion made Seth almost stumble back in surprise. It didn't sound like a gun. More like explosives.

"D-d-did you hear that?" He asked Harriet. "It sounded like something blew up.

"Maybe someone is hurt. We should see if they need help."
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 11/05/2021 2:25 PM
Harriet hesitated, her arms clutched tight to her chest as she recovered from the shock of the explosion. She shook her head and kneeled down to grab the nunchaku, weighing the rods in her hands.

"...I'm good. You can go if you wanna, I guess."

She didn't beat the sticks against the tree again.
Seth Kent wrote:DerArknight — 11/05/2021 2:28 PM
"... Okay."

Seth was kinda disappointed to get another rejection. But she had a point: Harriet was already working on a way to get the collars off, so she should concentrate on that while he could try to help the unkown person.

"Then take care. I will go and look what happened." He said as he made his way into the woods, hopefully the direction the explosion had come from.

((Seth Kent continued in Bruh))
Harriet Kownacki wrote:jillz [abel/harriet i guess idk] — 11/05/2021 5:30 PM
(( "You do that." ))
SOTF: Discord
Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 am


Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] cool games for attractive people
Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 11/27/2021 2:20 PM
Name: cool games for attractive people
Time: Day Two
Status: Private
Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 11/27/2021 2:21 PM
((Monica Reed continued from Vinyls and Regrets))

Monica was feeling colossally fucking stupid.

The announcements had declared the factory - the entire reason they were out here - inaccessible. Their entire trip had been an utter waste of time. The march through the woods, her getting her face messed up - all for nothing.

Worse was Ava. She'd vanished in the night, and their efforts to find her had borne no fruit. That she wasn't on the announcements was some comfort, but there was no telling what'd happened. For all they knew she was dead, and their search now was equally pointless.

She had royally fucked everything.

"We can't keep looking for her." She turned to Anh, currently her only companion. "If she's gone, she's gone."

She hoped Brody and Nigel had met with more success. If not...
Ahn Phan Phuc wrote:Yona || Ahn/Theo — 11/28/2021 2:58 AM
''Yeah. I mean, like, that sucks. But yeah. Like...

No, shit, I just had an idea. What was it?''

Oh, fuck.

Where did that thought come from... how could he repeat that realization again... come on, brain. Come on.
Brody Paxton wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 11/29/2021 1:31 PM
A figure stepped across one of the bridges and toward the pair, a katana resting at his side.

((Brody Paxton continued from Stand Your Ground))

Brody had taken some time to arrive at the river after Nigel asked that they split before they might reunite with the others. He assumed Nigel had gotten wind of something useful and let him go. After all, it turned out that Brody's specific skillset did not involve knowing how to disarm a bomb, and he'd taken to collecting some scrap metal and batteries about the city in hopes that the others could figure something out with that.

"Yo." Brody spoke up, looking over the pair before realizing that they were down a member.

"Uh.. what's up, guys?"
Nigel Sullivan wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 12/01/2021 3:52 PM
[B003 - SULLIVAN, NIGEL: CONTINUED FROM "Everything Is Worth Destroying."]

He stood still as he shaded his eyes with his hand and tried to focus on the vague shapes in the daylight. He hadn't slept, and his eyes struggled to focus due to the bright sunlight. As his vision cleared, he could see their faces. Monica, Ahn, and Brody, all together. They seemed to be talking, and Ava wasn't with them.

Nigel walked towards the river from the northwest as the clatter of gear and sway of his bag reverberated. He approached slowly, fearful that the others would feel alarmed at his presence.

He didn't want to hurt them.

He'd done enough of that already.

He let the front of the rifle tilt downward as he removed his left hand from it, raised it in front of him to show he intended no harm.

"Hey, uh," he said apprehensively, palpable anxiety in his voice.

He paused for a moment, unsure of what to say.

He stared forward and hoped that he wouldn't hear gunfire.
Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 12/01/2021 10:27 PM
Speak of the devil.

She was entirely conscious of how bad this looked, with no Ava; of how bad she looked, face a mix of cuts and bandages. How to even begin explaining how much she'd bungled it?

She hoped they were here to herald better news than any she could offer. Anh's ideas from earlier were all she'd have to give, and she couldn't claim an ounce of credit for them.

"We've had... a night, you could say. How'd things go on your end?"
Ahn Phan Phuc wrote:Yona || Ahn/Theo — 12/12/2021 4:15 PM
"A night. Yeah."

His smile was suggestive, but, like, not sex-suggestive, just the "Oh I know you're hiding something" kind of suggestive.

Even though he had no idea what happened to her.

"Sureeee.... who died?"
Nigel Sullivan wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 01/22/2022 5:21 PM
Nigel wanted to speak, but the words didn't come out. He turned to Brody for a moment and hoped that the boy would speak up.


He turned to her, the intent to sputter out something, but Ahn's words hit him.

There, the final nail in his coffin.

He knew.

They knew.

Everyone knew.

They knew about what he did.

They knew about what he was.

They knew about who he killed.

They knew that he had killed someone and didn't admit it.

They knew that he was a murderer, an unconfessed murderer.

They knew that the victim was a boy named Duncan Clay.

He remembered the definition of a lie of omission.

He was a killer, liar, murderer, deceiver.

He was at the end of the noose, with which they would surely hang him.

He closed his eyes. He didn't breathe.

He waited.

He waited for the impacts.

He waited for the reactions.

He waited for the gunshots.

He waited for the end.
Brody Paxton wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 01/22/2022 8:42 PM
Brody (bc im handling him now i guess)

"Oh, uh, I found all this shit."

He grabbed a loose assortment of batteries, wires and other bits of junk from his pockets before dropping the lot of them to the ground.

"Also I messed up one of their cameras. Shouldn't have snuck up on me."
Ahn Phan Phuc wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 01/23/2022 3:07 PM
Ahn turned to the others.

"Oh, you guys are, like, here too, I guess."

He paused.

Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 01/23/2022 4:40 PM

Well, so much for them having better news for her. What did Brody think a bunch of household batteries would accomplish?

Maybe she was giving him too much credit assuming he'd even thought at all.

Anh had somehow only just noticed the arrival. Was he high again or something? Maybe the drugs had only exacerbated a natural kind of spaciness. Hopefully he'd be able to give that rundown again, given that it was their only real lead on what to do next. Monica remembered it well enough if he didn't, but she also didn't wholly understand it the way he did.

Nigel seemed... distant. Petrified. It looked like he and Brody had split at some point, so maybe something had happened in the meantime.

"Hey, Nigel, you good?"
Nigel Sullivan wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 02/07/2022 6:07 PM
And yet, nothing came.

He opened his eyes, still very much alive.

The paranoia had taken its toll; he was jumping at shadows. He snapped himself out of it and tried to answer, but he just sputtered.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to stay silent.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to say something.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to lie.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell the truth.

He wasn't sure if he could keep from breaking down.

He wasn't sure.

He wasn't sure about anything.

Not anymore.

He'd always tried to be a good person.

He'd always tried.

He failed, but he tried.

He took a breath in, a breath out, encore.


He paused.

"There was an announcement," he murmured, his voice creaky like rotten wood, "the first day, yeah?"

His mark of Cain.

"There was a guy, uh," he said with a halt, as his eyes darted to the ground, "his name was Duncan Clay, and he attacked me."

He held the gun, and it felt wrong.

"This was his gun, he..." he paused, the bile rising in his throat, "...he tried to shoot me."

The name burned on his tongue.

"He's dead," his words quickened, his breath faster, "and he was dead before I met you guys."

He didn't say the most important word.

"They gave me an award," his words faded as he spoke them, "on the first night. I smashed a couple of cameras with it and then cracked it over a tree."

He felt his heart in his boots.

Had he done the right thing?

How would they react?

With apathy?

With sympathy?

With gunfire?

He tried to force himself to breathe, but the atmosphere felt alien, almost as if the air wasn't oxygen.

One step from collapse.
Brody Paxton wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 02/08/2022 3:59 AM

Brody was distracted from Nigel's confession as he began training his peerless swordsmanship against one of the nearby trees.

He only chimed in at the end with, "Wait, you killed someone?"
Ahn Phan Phuc wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 02/09/2022 7:09 PM
Ahn stared at Nigel for a moment, a slightly puzzled look on his face.

(His previous comment sounded a lot worse in hindsight, he was pretty sure.)

"It was self-defense, I think, so that's..."

He paused and stared off into space for a moment.

"...it could be worse?"
Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 02/11/2022 7:32 AM

Anh had more or less said what she would've. She understood why Nigel was so upset but he had nothing to fear amidst the three of them.

"Look, even if it wasn't self-defense... it's not like you're a serial killer or something. This whole insane scenario we're in makes everything different. And you're clearly not gonna do it again, from where I'm standing."

She shrugged.

"You don't gotta worry. You're good. In my book, anyway."
Nigel Sullivan wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 02/18/2022 4:03 PM
Nigel's eyes panned across the group that stood before him, a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

He didn't expect them to react like this.

Did he deserve their kindness?

Did he deserve his life?

Did it matter?

He sighed and turned away.

They'd stood by him, so he'd return the favor.

He'd always planned to, regardless.

"Okay, uh," he said, a lingering discomfort in his voice, "what's the plan? The way I see it, we've got to keep moving."

He took a look around them at the sky and the river.

"It looks like a storm is coming, so..." he paused and stared into the distance, "...this place won't be safe for long. We should move on."

He felt horrible saying it, but they couldn't wait. Ava was capable; she could find them later. For now, though, they needed to go.
Brody Paxton wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 02/19/2022 4:26 AM
“Yeah, but when do we stop moving on?” Brody asked, returning his blade to his side with a slight flourish of the wrist and tapping the side of his head with the index finger of his other hand.

“I’ve always thought of myself as something of a rōnin,” Brody began, walking among the others, “but eventually, wandering must come to an end. We need to stay together and find clarity of purpose. Leading you all, I’ve discovered…” Brody paused, scratching his chin as he considered his next words.

“Uh, actually, have any of you seen One Piece? It’s kind of hard to explain nakama if you haven’t seen One Piece.”
Ahn Phan Phuc wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 02/20/2022 4:51 PM

Ahn screwed up his face like he was thinking really hard about it.

(He was pretty sure he had.)

"Nah, I haven't. Too long, didn't watch."

(He kind of, like, fucking hated it, actually.)

(Wouldn't say that to Brody, though. He didn't want to be decapitated yet.)

Ahn turned and stared towards the skyline. His finger lazily drifted southward.

"I've got an idea, so like, follow me or whatever. You can, like, explain it while we walk."

(He was pretty sure he had a plan. Maybe. Maybe not.)

((He'd find out in the city.))
Monica Reed wrote:almostinhuman | Monica, Douglas — 02/20/2022 6:48 PM
Of course that's how Brody would frame things. Fucking weeaboo ass couldn't help himself.

At least things with Nigel had cooled. Good. They didn't need him being all twitchy and paranoid and maybe blowing someone away in fear or something.

Anh seemed to be back on track, wanting to lead them to where they could maybe actually start dealing with the collars.

He was welcome to. It's not like Monica's "leadership" had gotten them anywhere.

"Right. Lead the way, Anh."

(Monica Reed continued elsewhere)
Nigel Sullivan wrote:Nigel Sullivan | Ahn Phan Phuc — 02/21/2022 7:55 PM
Nigel hadn't seen One Piece, but he'd seen Seven Samurai.

The title of rōnin didn't bode well for their chances.

He took a breath of air.

In, then out, and sighed.

It wasn't that he wasn't willing to die.

He'd been trying to accept the idea.

He didn't want to die in vain.

He wanted to have some impact.

Motivate someone.

Do something.

Stop their captors.

But they couldn't do that if they just blew their collars and collapsed.

If they failed, it was all wasted, every moment, every breath, every death.

If they succeeded, though?

They could bring down the whole system.

They could reduce the game to ashes.

He stared out at the skyline; in the distance, the hazy mirage of the city skyline.

There was nothing left for them here.

In the city, they could find their freedom.

They could make it count.

They could end this madness.

So to the city he went.

[B003 - SULLIVAN, NIGEL: CONTINUED IN "All the Difference in the World"]
Brody Paxton wrote:Catche | Brody, Horace — 02/26/2022 4:56 PM
The mood that hung over the rest of the group as they departed was concerning for Brody. Sure, they were down a member, but it wasn't impossible that, uh... that other girl wouldn't show up again, right? And if the group allowed their morale to drop any further, shit was going to get desperate.

But that's why they needed a leader like Brody, someone that remained unwavering in his commitment to seeing things to their end. And that was why Brody would make sure that they managed to escape this twisted game. That was his mission.

"Alright," Brody rushed after the others, attempting to maneuver towards the head of the pack, "what strategy have you come up with, dude?"

((Brody Paxton, continued elsewhere))
SOTF: Discord
Posts: 120
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 am


Post by SOTF: Discord »

[+] You All Meet At A River...
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/12/2022 8:07 AM
Name: You All Meet At A River... (Conten Warning: Eye Trauma)
Time: Day Three
Status: Private
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/12/2022 8:16 AM
((Theodora "Theo" Reed continued from Late To The Tragedy))

It was shortly after leaving the horrible clearing behind that Theo found a river that had clearly expanded after the rain last night. Several trees were one feet under water, and the edges remained barely touched by the current. All signs of a flood. And all of it mattered little to Theo.

She just wanted to get rid of the stench. And the feeling of touching the girl's corpse.

Her new weapon was stuck in her belt as she bend down to scope some water and splash it into her face.

It felt good.
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/12/2022 10:42 AM
((Evan Ridley continued from What A Big Bloodbath))

Evan was keeping himself hidden in some bushes nearby from Theo and he was just observing her for a bit. He couldn't what weapon she had on her. Or was she possibly unarmed?

It would make it more easier for him to take her out then.

He was accepting his status as a killer and he knew that he would have to commit. Only seven of them left. The insanity of it all was very bizarre to him.

But he couldn't think about that right now. He had to focus on the task at hand. It was time for him to make a move.

He stood up slowly and as silently as he could behind the bush. He raised the bow with a steady pace and he got one of his arrow ready, making sure that it was aimed right at the girl.

He then released the arrow, hoping that it would make the target.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/13/2022 3:21 PM
It did not make the target.

Theo felt a breeze as the arrow missed her head by only a few centimeters and pierced the water with a splash. It had the same effect as a jumpscare in a horrormovie to her. All of a sudden, her heartbeat accelerated and she found herself jumping back, falling on her butt.

Which would give the attacker time for another shot.

There was no time for moral conflicts. Theo tzrned around while still on the ground, ending in a kneeing position more by random chance than by carefulness. She drew her gun.

About seven meters in front of her, a boy was lurking out of the shadows, bow in hand and a soundless "Oh crap!" on his face.

"Don't move!" She ordered, despite having no clue how step 2 of this plan looked like.
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/13/2022 4:06 PM
Evan had missed her and the arrow was just floating away in the river, making him curse under his breath for his failure. He needed to try again and-

He froze when he suddenly saw the gun in the kneeling girl's hands and his eyes widened in shock. Shit! He hadn't wanted to show any emotions to anyone that was left, but he guessed he should have realized that anyone could have a gun at this stage of the game.

He didn't want to stay. She will likely shoot him anyway for trying to kill her.

He turned away from her as she was making her command and he started to bolt off. He wasn't the fastest runner, but he had to try and get in a safer position or just get away from gun girl in general.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/13/2022 4:09 PM
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/13/2022 4:16 PM
Evan felt a sharp pain impact his right arm and it made his body twist and stumble. His feet ended up tripping over each other and his body landed with a rough thud onto the ground.


He felt his arm on instinct and let out a sharp hiss of agony. He moved his hand away and he stared at his hand. It had something red on it....

His own blood.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/13/2022 4:44 PM
With her arms still shaking from the recoil, Theo got back on her feet.

It wasn't that she had been aiming to kill. But she had told him to freeze, so when he didn't, she had reacted accordingly.

Now she heard his pained screams somewhere behind a few bushes. For a moment, she considered walking in the other direction, just leaving the boy to his fate. But then he might fet the opportunity to attack her again some other time. And who knew what would happen then?

So she parted the green and followed him. As it turned out, he had only made it a few steps before being hit. His weapon lay a few meters to the right.

Theo aimed the gun at him once more. It was unlikely he would be able to run again, so she said nothing.

Damn, what now?
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/13/2022 4:57 PM
Evan felt his noises suddenly quieten down when the girl appeared from within the bushes and she was now aiming the gun at him without saying anything at all. He didn't want to die yet. So he had to put on an act. He had to do something to play her and distract her. He had to make her lower the gun.

He felt his eyes watering a little and his lower lip was trembling a little. Being a theater kid had it's bonuses after all.

"P-Please.... Don't shoot..."
Ashley Wright wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 03/14/2022 1:56 AM
((Ashley continued from Journey))

For all her talk to Flora about doing the right thing and all that, she really had no idea what to do with herself. Her legs ached, her clothes wet from the rain that had persisted the last day, and her head swam with unpleasant thoughts. About Flora, about the people who keep popping up on the announcements that the unpleasant man keeps having, about the people she had encountered in the night of the first day who she still had no idea were.

She did not have a weapon. She did not have any plans. She did not have any friends with her to talk with and at the very least share the misery of this place.

A day's worth of travel, and Ashley had nothing to show for it. Nothing but a brief stay with a murderer which, as always, is such a good thing to do. Trying to pep talk someone like that.
Yet again, what else was she supposed to do? Tell her off? Have a rant on the injustice in the world, and how nothing was truly fair? Surely that would have gone well.

Maybe she would have killed her too and saved her the bother of wandering...

Ok, now her mind was going weird. Time to step back a bit.

She stopped to catch her breath; holding onto a nearby tree for support with her left hand as her right thumb traced along the strap of her bag. She found herself looking over her shoulder regularly to see if that face from that night would show up again out of the blue. She really hoped it wouldn't.

Ashley was not a fighter by any means, and certainly not now she all she felt was tired, damp, and angry. Her eyes struggled to keep up after the last night, her breathing ragged and shook in its wake of torrent. The trees around her showed the same damage to them, but they were used to it. The most that she had ever dealt with was a camping trip as a kid, and that was a long time ago.
She wished she could do that again. Maybe wake up, and this nightmare would be over.

A sudden bang jolted Ashley from her mind space, and she found herself, almost involuntarily walking towards the sound. Now, she was not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but a gunshot was a gunshot. And she was certain she heard one.

Now, why she was walking towards it? She did not know...

She clung to the trees and slunk around the bushes until she found the source of the sound. The neverending cascading river sounds helped her along the way. Her fingers pushed shrubbery around, slowly and as silently as she could to see.

She saw someone stand above another. A gun was trained at them. Her eyes widened at this brazen display, is this really what they've gotten them to do? She'd seen some bodies around, but this...

This would not stand. Ashley was not a fighter, but she could let this happen. She dropped her bag strap from her shoulder, clasped it with both hands, and readied herself for a countdown in her head.
3, She shivered in place, keeping her mouth as her teeth chattered.

2, her grip tightened and her face muscles strained as she tried to keep a serious look despite the welling in the corner of her eyes.

1, and with that, she sprinted out of her bush towards the androgynous figure and swung her bag at them as hard as she could.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/20/2022 1:00 PM
Okay, so the attacker reverted back into a scared teen once the situation was no longer in his favor. In some odd way, Theo wasn't surprised.

What surprised her instead was the person suddenly bursting out of the bushes to her left.

"Wha-" was all she could say before the backpack collided with her face, sending her flying.

The impact with the ground was nasty, especially because she bit on her tongue during it. And because she faceplanted into the mud.

Shit! She hadn't even thought about the boy having an accomplice.

Thankfully the gun was somehow still in her hand. Quickly she begun to sit upright and remove the mud from her eyes just in time to see-
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/20/2022 2:11 PM
Well... Evan definitely hadn't thought that a girl coming out of nowhere would save his butt and knock over his would-be killer with a bag. It was all that he needed in that moment.

He needed to get the gun.

"D-Drop the gun...!" He stammered as he half-crawled, half-jumped in the muddy ground and he was trying to reach out to grapple the gun away from Theo. "Drop it...!"
Ashley Wright wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 03/20/2022 2:33 PM
Ashley stood there frozen over the other girl, eyes wide. She had hit someone for real, and it was not an accident this time! At least, that’s how she saw it. Her makeshift weapon had hit its target and the would-be murderer went down to the ground. Looked pretty painful from where she stood, but that’s what they get for trying to participate in this horrible nonsense.

Ashley’s teeth ground in her mouth, harsh and quickened breathing going through. Widened eyes darting from figure to figure. The boy was still on the ground and Ashley was not sure how to approach him without causing him to freak out or anything like that. All the people she’d met so far had given her those kinds of vibes and she was not sure if this was any different.

"Wai-" She wanted to say before being cut off by the bot stammering about a gun and a lightbulb went off above Ashley’s head. She still had the gun!

And she was getting up!

Ashley screamed as she reared her bag hard enough that it hit her in the back before stepping forward with her right leg, swiveling her left foot and sending the bag towards the girl in an overarching swing.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/21/2022 4:20 PM
Theo heard the boy's demands. In a calmer situation, she would have rolled her eyes. What made him think that she would-

The backpack crashed into her once more.

This time the hit felt harder.

This time she could feel the gun slipping out of her grip as she once more fell down.


There was no time for thinking. With a scream, she threw herself in the direction she believed her weapon to be.
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/21/2022 4:35 PM
Evan noticed that the gun had slipped from the girl's hands and he frantically crawled with more of a purpose of survival. He needed to get his hands on the weapon. And fast when he heard her screaming and he had to focus himself on moving quicker.

His arm was aching but he had to ignore it.

He felt his hand touch something on the muddy ground and he realized that he had it. He raised his prize up in his grip. It was the gun!
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/21/2022 4:43 PM
Evan had maybe half of a second to celebrate before the charging Theo almost ran him over and grabbed the gun with both hands.

She struggled. The muddy ground and her wet hands made it hard to hold on, but it would have to be enough.
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/21/2022 4:51 PM
"Agh!" Evan had felt his glasses almost getting knocked off by the girl who was now trying to get the gun off of him and he stubbornly held onto the weapon with both of his hands.

He wasn't going to let go.

He tried to pull the gun away from her with a bit of a struggle and his arm felt like it was burning with an intense pain.

His finger curled around the trigger without him even thinking about it.

Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/21/2022 5:02 PM
The sound of the gun firing went almost unnoticed by Theo as the bullet going through her torso demanded her whole attention. All of the sudden she was flying once more, but not because of a backpack.

With a wet thud, she landed back-first in the mud, gasping loudly. There was a small flush of blood comming out of her mouth, sailing through the air in what looked like slowmotion.

In fact, the whole world suddenly felt so slow, as if the hectic last minute never happened.

As if whatever happened at the mansion never happened.

As if anything on this island never happened.

Theo could see the crowns of trees, but only a few bits of the sky. Of the blue sky. As if even the nature wanted to ignore her suffering.

She gasped once more, her lungs filling with blood.

And once more.

And then nothing.

G015 Theodora "Theo" Reed - Deceased
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/21/2022 5:10 PM
Evan sat silent and still, staring over at the girl who's life had just been taken away. Twice now. He had kill once more. But he didn't really have a choice in this one. It had been accidental.

Yes, a complete accident.

"....Damn." He murmured softly, feeling the weight of the gun in his hands.
Ashley Wright wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 03/21/2022 5:27 PM
Ashley stopped her wailing on the girl as the boy present suddenly started crawling across to get to the gun that had jumped out of her hands. The girl Leapt to her feet towards him, and they collided. Ashley stood to the side, watching the tangle of bodies in front of her as they squirmed against one another. She was once again frozen to the ground. No matter the warning signs inside her head, her legs refused to move. All she could do was watch.

Until there was a bang, Ashley jumped backward at the sudden sound while covering her ears and closing her eyes. Her hands shook in place as they frantically tried to stop any sound from the outside. She landed on the ground with an oomph, and could only slowly open her eyes to see the blood ooze out to the ground.

"Th-...Theo?" It's a whisper in the wind as the last gurgles of life hit the mud. Ashley wanted to cry, she did not mean for this to happen. It was the boy's fault, not hers! She only meant to make her stop, not help in taking a life. Oh god, what was she going to do!

It is only now that Ashley was allowed to look at the boy that had been attacked. She almost swallowed her tongue as she stared at him with her eyes wide.

"E-evan? She managed to say. She knew this boy, she knew him from school. She had talked with him before.

She had also heard about him from the announcements.
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/21/2022 5:36 PM
Evan blinked when he heard his name being said and he turned his head to look at the other girl who had helped him out. He actually did recognize her as Ashley and they had talked a few times just outside of the Archery club.

He didn't know her that well. But he thought she was... okay..?

This was just a lot worse than he had hoped for. She had to know what he had done. Being in the presence of a killer, even he would have booked it in the past. If he hadn't taken the path of darkness.

"Ashley..." He said her name after a few moments of silence.
Ashley Wright wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 03/21/2022 5:52 PM
He said her name. It was a voice that sounded tired and listless. Not like the voice, she would hear when she would catch him after practice, and they would talk about something. Like normal people would.

He was looking right at her. It was a look that could only be said to be sad, and it frightened her more than anything else she had seen in this place. He did not look like himself anymore.

Out of instinct, she raised her hands.

"I- we- you!"

Her breathing had gone out of control at this point. Frantically switching between heavy inhales with her mouth and through her nose and terrified exhales. Her legs were trying to find ground, but the mud was slippery and made it a struggle for her to find any. Her hands shook as they hung in the air.

Despite the weightiness of her breath, all her words made her feel out of breath. It was a struggle for anything to come out and all that did were in short bursts.


One of her hands went down at this point, her right. Snot had started to build up and escape its confinement and dribble down to her upper lips. Her eyes had also started to water. She tried to blink them away, but they kept coming. Nothing would stop them and the wind didn't help, making them feel cold as they slipped down her cheeks.

Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/21/2022 6:11 PM

She was asking him why and he could see the tears running down her face. He should have felt something, anything in the breaking moment. All he felt was emptiness if that was a true emotion.

Can you really feel empty inside after killing two people to survive?

He let out a small sight and he forced himself to stand up to his feet slowly, his clothing was covering in some mud. But that didn't matter right now. He had to make a decision now.

He knew that he had to.

"Ashley." He said more calmly with a slight, humble smile. "I want to survive this."

He aimed the gun at the girl who was a few inches or so away from him and he fired it once again.
Ashley Wright wrote:Ashley Wright/Claude Sanders — 03/21/2022 6:27 PM
Ashley did not have the chance to react to the gunshot. Instead, she closed her eyes in that brief window and hoped things would be over. She had her answer, anyway.

Too bad she did not die instantly.

Rather, her body went limp. The side of her face was hit by the bullet, it was destroyed by it. Searing through flesh and leaving behind marks of impact. She fell backward onto the mud, caking her hair and back in the mire.

An eye slid out of its socket to the side and hit the mud-covered ground.

She gasped and harked and tried to scream but her voice would fail her in that moment. Caught in her throat along with all the excess saliva. All that managed to come out was a moan. A raspy, rattling moan.

She could only weakly try to move her arms and legs. Small spasms in those limbs, and her trying to jerk itself forward only to get stuck back down in the sludge that was mixing with her blood and flesh and hair.

She tried to say his name, she tried to beg and plead and she tried to pray for this to end why did this keep going why was this happening to them why was this happening to her!?!

just make it end please make it en-

((Ashley Wright- deceased.))
Evan Ridley wrote:Undead Sweetheart | Tad, Evan — 03/31/2022 4:30 PM
Evan sat there for a while and he felt like his brain was in a mindless empty void.

He didn't stay there long.

((Evan Ridley continued elsewhere))
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